It's the height of summer. Product is moving forward, if at all, like a bad shift on a manual transmission.
Most buyers are counting on an overall drop in commodity prices and are generally holding out on making any purchases or even putting forward any offers. Sellers are having none of it and are simply going fishing. At some point, the two will meet on common ground but right now not a whole lot is moving. Producers in my area are starting to cut crop for greenfeed. If you've got organic new crop wheat (or anything else) and an idea on what you'd like to see for price please let me know. The few buyers that are serious about moving any old crop product are usually picking up spot purchases and the opportunity closes in a day or two. Thanks, Andrew -- Quality Grain Marketing Est 2002 Marketer C/Text: 587-287-8447
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AuthorReed McDonald - Owner and chief blogger at Quality Grain Marketing. With all the noise and click bate headlines this agricultural based blog will highlight what current events I am following. Be sure to check in regularly for updated musings Archives
November 2024