Good afternoon,
We have had a very wild bunch of weather in the last week. Ten days ago everyone I talked to said we could use an inch of rain and now it seems everyone has got their inch and some areas in Western MB have got way more than they need. Eight to 10 inches with locally heavier amounts… Not the way anyone wants it. If you could take a minutes and let me know how crops look in your area and how much rain you had it would be appreciated. We had an interesting month in feed grains during June. At the beginning of the month feed wheat and barley where both in good demand with $185 to $190 picked up for barley and $200 to $210 picked up for feed wheat. These prices are based on Western MB. Since then, we have seen both barley and wheat drop $10/MT and then at the end of June both commodities have moved back to the higher levels. We have seen oats drift lower as well. It seems that the milling/ feed export demand has been covered and as we get close to new crop the pressure is off the oat market. Corn cash prices just keep creeping lower even though in the last few days of June we saw the fall futures run up quite a bit. The biggest problem with a lot of the corn that is still in bins in MB is the bushel weight. 48 to 53 lb. We are seeing buyers trying to buy corn at $170 to $175 in the Red River valley. Not many producers will open the doors for that but in time it will likely happen. We have not traded any soymeal this month so we don’t have accurate info on pricing. The pet food market is still supporting the lower grade pulses. With yellow peas bring $250 in MB and a bit more in eastern SK. If anyone is going to have new crop yellow peas for sale and are interested in forward pricing, give us a call. We also have some grain producers looking to pre-sell some barley if anyone would be interested in buying good heavy low vom barley for Sept/October delivery let us know. We also have access to 1 or 2 decent sized lots of barley in western MB if anyone still needs to buy 10 to 20,000 bus. We could get feed grain delivered to Elie MB area for these approximate values as well. Feed Wheat - $227 to $232 Feed Barley - $218 to $225 Feed Peas - $265 These are all good clean heavy grain. If you have any interest in feed grains or comments don’t hesitate to either email to call me. Have a great July and lets hope the crops keep growing. Richard Chambers Quality Grain Marketing 1-204-729-1354 -Office 1-204-761-8320 - Cell [email protected] Comments are closed.
February 2025